Shannon Kahn

Founder, CEO


SMK Consulting

Shannon Kahn, CEO and founder of SMK Consulting, LLC is an accomplished staffing industry executive with a focus on strategically driving revenue growth and a history of delivering results. She held several leadership roles with multi-billion dollar staffing firms including Vice President, National Accounts, SVP of Specialty Services, and Chief Sales Officer. She has successfully built sales organizations including sales strategy, structure, incentive compensation design, and CRM implementation. Adept at creative problem-solving and building collaborative teams, she consistently exceeds expectations. Throughout her career, Shannon honed her skills as a consultant working with leaders across organizations to develop and deploy growth strategies. When facing complex-difficult-to-solve business challenges, Shannon will assist by putting her analytical skills to work assessing a situation quickly from multiple perspectives, collaborating with key stakeholders arriving at optimal outcomes designed to achieve sustainable growth. She also brings diplomacy and calm confidence to her interactions with her colleagues and clients.

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